the inner voice of a generation


No longer the largest generation and some say
not the greatest --but when it comes to power
and influence in America no other demographic
bests the Boomers.
Forged in the crucible of the Sixties,
we put our lives on the line and lived
with the consequences. We challenged even
sacred assumptions and as it turned out
we were mostly right.
Women needed liberation, minorities deserved
justice, the environment needed saving,
and the war in Vietnam needed to end.
Today we are still bound together
by an inner voice of optimism,
idealism, a revolutionary spirit
and the knowledge that when
acting together we are unstoppable.
BabyBoomerPress publishes books
that applaud and celebrate
this extraordinary generation.


All titles available from


The award-winning novel that saw 2020 coming in 2012.

Coming soon


About the Author

Rick Roberts is a Boomer.
He enjoyed a lengthy career
in Boston's public relations &
advertising community
as copywriter, creative director
and eventually agency owner.
Intermittently he has been
a newspaper columnist,
cable TV host, adjunct college
professor and US Army sergeant.
He holds degrees from Lehigh,
the University of Iowa, Harvard,
and the Orvis Fly Fishing School.
In 1969 he was arrested in Iowa City
for "unwelcome political activity."
As early as grade school he was
encouraged to become an artist.
In retirement he took up oil painting.
Currently he lives in Rhode Island.



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